I had an epiphany last night. My "friends" aren't loyal. Dang. I mean.....I kind of knew that already but reflecting on a particular situation really cemented it for me.
Once upon a time I was "dating" this guy. In actuality, he was just living in my house and we would have sex from time to time. It was a really DUMB situation. But from the outside looking in, we were a couple. (Insert eye roll) After a long 2 years or so, things happened and we finally end up going our separate ways. [That's another story for another day. Trust me on this one.] But I find out about a year later, this chick that was kind of in my circle of friends started "dating" him. In actuality, he was just living in her house and they would have sex from time to time. See a pattern here?
I didn't feel betrayed since I was more than over this guy, but I still felt a way because someone who was in my close circle of friends (even though she wasn't MY close friend) scooped this dude up not even two months after I stopped dealing with him. I found out from my supposedly best friend about a year later that they were dealing with each other. My SUPPOSEDLY best friend said she didn't know if she should tell me since it was the other girl's business. The other girl who lived directly across the street from said best friend, and whose children were very close. Close enough to know full well this dude was living there. Again, I didn't feel like she had taken anything from me. [Let's make that clear.] But I do feel she is trifling because here we are YEARRRRRSSSSS later and she still hasn't come out and told me they had a thing going on. She has even taken me to dinner....to thank me for helping her mom graduate college. It took everything in me not to ask her about the elephant in the room. The elephant was clearly in the room.
This chick still comes around. My circle of "friends" still include her in all the celebrations and get-togethers. I guess I come across as a person who doesn't do pettiness. It'll be interesting to see how they react when I finally call things for how I see it. This chick is trifling. She's attention seeking. I don't, and never will trust her. She's known for flirting with other people's men so I'm not surprised at what she did. I am surprised that she thinks it's okay. Well I take that back....she knows it's trifling because she's never brought it up to me, right?
Oh yea...so what brought about this epiphany? It's April 2020 and that damn Timehop struck again. This chick shared a "memory" from April 2012 of a menu of items she prepared for dinner and tagged the dude in it. I mean (insert another eye roll) this is legit 8 years ago. My REAL best friend text me last night and indulged me about how ridiculous she is for posting that. As if her cooking (which always looks nasty) is good enough for him to remember from one night 8 years ago. So I look at the date. I LEGIT cut all ties with this dude SuperBowl night 2012. That was not EVEN two months later so I know they had to have been kicking it since before then. This town is too freaking small. She's such a freaking hoe anyway.
Am I wrong to think my "close circle" of friends aren't loyal? Were they right to not tell me? A little background: we've been friends since 1996.
