There are so many aspects of life that snatches us in a hundred different directions. We love. We hate. We want to do our best. We just want life to pass us by. We want friends. We want people to act how we want them to act. People are inspiring. People are ignorant. People are ambitious. People are lazy. People love me. People could care less about me.
I'm looking forward to sharing my life with you. Some of it will be inspiring. Some will leave you judging me. But beyond anything else, I hope you can relate to the fact that life isn't perfect. Sometimes life sucks. Some times we want more out of life that just can't be taken. I am looking forward to sharing my thoughts with you and you sharing your thoughts with me. Do you agree? Do you disagree? Why? No need to be nasty about it. I do that enough to myself. But one thing I'm sure of, I can't be the only woman to have these thoughts.
There are more than just bad thoughts. These are thoughts of a wife about her husband. A mom about her kids. A business owner about her company. A friend about her associates. My achievements. My failures. My proudest moments and the ones I wish never happened. You will learn that I love God. He's always loved me but I haven't always loved him. I'll share about who I used to be and who I've become. I'll share how I'm figuring out this thing called life. I'll be asking for your feedback. What should I do? Should I do anything? Maybe we can be friends? Just online....of course. I won't be coordinating any meetups ;-)
And by the way, this is an anonymous blog. I'll never share my real name, my real city or any identifying information about me. But you can trust and believe everything else I share about myself and my life are 100% true. I want to be open and transparent with you about my journey but sharing my real identity, it will stifle some of the things I share.
I invite you to journey with me. Interact with me. Listen and enlighten me!
